Literature Review: Utilization of Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Diverse Communities

Title: Literature Review of Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Diverse Communities: Utilization Publication date: November 2023 Overall, minority individuals are less likely than White individuals to use formal services for their home care needs and more likely to rely on family, friends, and other community members as informal caregivers. For those who do receive Medicaid long-term services and supports … Read More

Literature Review: Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Diverse Communities: Diverse Caregivers

Title: Literature Review of Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Diverse Communities: Diverse Caregivers Publication date: November 2023 There are several important cultural elements of caregiving which influence the decision of caregivers to seek help as well as the kind of help they find most useful, with many cultures placing great value in the family caregiver role. Many diverse caregivers … Read More

Literature Review: Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Diverse Communities: Rural Communities

Title: Literature Review of Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Diverse Communities: Rural Communities Publication date: November 2023 Rural older adults and their caregivers face unique challenges. Rural older adults are much less likely to utilize HCBS than urban older adults and comparatively more likely to use nursing home care. A great deal of this difference is driven by the … Read More

LTQA Congratulates Michael Monson for Appointment as Board Chair and Adds Patti Killingsworth and Joe Caldwell to the Board of Directors

LTQA is delighted to announce exciting changes to its leadership team. As we bid farewell to our esteemed and longtime Board Chair, Carol Raphael, we warmly congratulate Michael Monson, President and CEO of Altarum, on his election to the position. Additionally, we are excited to announce the election of Patti Killingsworth, Chief Strategy Officer at CareBridge, and Joe Caldwell, Director … Read More

Publication: Support Caregiving Resource Guide: Managed Care Plans

Title: Support Caregiving Resource Guide: Managed Care Plans Publication date: September 2023 LTQA, in partnership with the National MLTSS Health Plan Association, developed a resource that highlights promising strategies for managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) plans to support family caregivers. This resource and others live on, a new site that supports the implementation of the first-of-its-kind National Strategy to Support Family … Read More

Blog: How MLTSS States and Health Plans Can Advance Health Equity

Title: How MLTSS States and Health Plans Can Advance Health Equity Author: Grace Hong, G. Lawrence Atkins LTSS Policy and Research Fellow Publication date: August 2023 14 million older adults and people with disabilities rely on long-term services and supports (LTSS), which help them perform daily activities such as bathing and managing medications. In the U.S., Medicaid pays for over 50% of these services, and … Read More

Blog: Opportunities to Improve Supplemental Benefit Data

Title: Heeding the Administrator’s Call: Opportunities to Improve Supplemental Benefit Data Publication Date: July 2023 CMS is proposing to collect data from MA organizations on the specific benefits they offer, the number of members who use the benefit, how often they use the benefit, and how much money the plan spends on members who use the benefit. Building on our years-long … Read More

Webinar: Advancing Equity through MLTSS Programs

Event Date: July 12, 2-3 pm ET On July 12, LTQA, ADvancing States, and Impact 120 held an interactive discussion on advancing equity in LTSS, based on the recently published issue brief. Many consumers who require LTSS through Medicaid experience barriers in achieving their highest quality of life, due to the intersectional impact of disability and age, when combined with race, ethnicity, … Read More

Blog: Creating a New Model to Measure the Need for LTSS Supports Among Working-Age Adults with Disabilities

Title: Creating a New Model to Measure the Need for Long-Term Services and Supports Among Working-Age Adults with Disabilities Publication Date: July 2023 Federal and state policymakers lack critical data on the need for LTSS among working-age adults with disabilities, which will be critical to their ability to plan and provide for the growing need. LTQA has been leading a multi-year effort to … Read More