Publication: An Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Progress of Nonmedical Supplemental Benefit Development and Implementation in Medicare Advantage

Title: An Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Progress of Nonmedical Supplemental Benefit Development and Implementation in Medicare Advantage

Publication date: February 2024

After five years of growth of nonmedical supplemental benefits, there are significant gaps in our knowledge and the data around these benefits, especially from the perspectives of Medicare beneficiaries. Action must be taken to close data gaps so that policymakers have the information necessary to assess and, if needed, refine these benefits to align with their original intent to support the needs of individuals with complex chronic conditions.

ATI Advisory and Long-Term Quality Alliance, with support from the SCAN Foundation, created the Evaluation Framework to chart a path for multiple stakeholders – including plans, policymakers, and researchers – to provide timely insights on Medicare Advantage enrollee needs, understanding, access, and experience of benefits; to enhance plan capabilities to collect and use data to improve benefit offerings; and to build the evidence base on nonmedical benefits’ effects.