Innovative Communities Summit Final Report

LTQA’s 2nd Innovative Communities Summit gathered a variety of leaders to explore how the alliance can support Innovative Communities and how these communities can work together to improve care transitions and reduce unnecessary rehospitalizations. The wealth of knowledge and experience in evidence during this gathering was truly impressive. Summit participants represented 20 Innovative Communities, 20 federal agencies and 15 state … Read More

LTQA/Brookings Meeting

The LTQA and The Brookings Institution are hosting a meeting on 3-11-11 around the issues of care coordination, transition management and palliative care.  The group of palliative care measurement experts convening in the afternoon of March 11 have been working together by telephone and e-mail for the past 6 months in response to the planned NQF call for palliative care measures … Read More

1st Innovative Communities Summit

With the generous support of the SCAN Foundation, the Long Term Quality Alliance (LTQA) hosted a December 10 summit to explore community-based opportunities to improve the care and outcomes of people receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS) and their family caregivers. Consistent with the strategic priorities of the LTQA, this initial “innovative communities” meeting focused on critical transitions in health … Read More