Publication: A Review of Extended Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Section 1115 Waiver Programs

Title: A Review of Extended Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in Section 1115 Waiver Programs Publication date: February 2024 Section 1115 demonstrations in the Medicaid program are an avenue for states to test innovations in long-term services and supports (LTSS) and home- and community-based services (HCBS) delivery. Several states are using Section 1115 waivers to expand access to HCBS to … Read More

Publication: Measuring and Monitoring the Adequacy of the Direct-Care Workforce and Impacts on Unmet Need: Landscape Scan of Data Sources and Opportunities for Future Research

Title: Measuring and Monitoring the Adequacy of the Direct-Care Workforce and Impacts on Unmet Need: Landscape Scan of Data Sources and Opportunities for Future Research Publication date: February 2024 Direct-care workers play a critical role in supporting the daily activities of individuals who need long-term services and supports (LTSS). A new report from Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA) and the Community … Read More

Publication: An Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Progress of Nonmedical Supplemental Benefit Development and Implementation in Medicare Advantage

Title: An Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Progress of Nonmedical Supplemental Benefit Development and Implementation in Medicare Advantage Publication date: February 2024 After five years of growth of nonmedical supplemental benefits, there are significant gaps in our knowledge and the data around these benefits, especially from the perspectives of Medicare beneficiaries. Action must be taken to close data gaps so … Read More