Report: SCO Integration and Medical Utilization

June 25, 2019 LTQA conducted a study of the Senior Care Options (SCO) program in Massachusetts, one of the earliest CMS Demonstrations integrating Medicare and Medicaid coverage for residents age 65 and older who have dual eligibility for both programs. The study includes an overview of the SCO program and case studies of three of the six SCO plans that … Read More

Report: Medical Utilization in Plans that Integrate Long-Term Services and Supports

Date: November 2018 In recent years, policymakers have focused on the small population with the most complex care needs that account for more than half of health spending, and on interventions that can address functional needs and social determinants of health. LTQA, in partnership with the Lipitz Center for Integrated Care at Johns Hopkins University, conducted a study comparing rates … Read More

Press Release: LTQA Releases Study on Medical Utilization in Health Plans that Integrate LTSS

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 30, 2019   Contact:            Mary Kaschak Long-Term Quality Alliance 202-452-9217   LTQA Releases Study on Medical Utilization in Health Plans that Integrate Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) The Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA) today released the Final Report from a study on “Medical Utilization in Plans that Integrate Long-Term Services and Supports.”   The study was … Read More

Announcement: LTQA Welcomes Mary Kaschak as Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA) is pleased to announce that Mary Kaschak is joining the organization as Executive Director effective January 1, 2019. Mary will replace Larry Atkins, who has served as LTQA’s Executive Director for the last five years.  Larry will remain on the LTQA staff as Research Director and will remain in his … Read More

Resource: CMS Releases New Resource to Prevent All Cause Harm in Nursing Homes

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Quality Innovation Network National Coordinating Center have produced a Change Package to prevent all cause harm in nursing homes. In response to a 2014 Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report on adverse events in skilled nursing facilities (SNF), and as part of CMS’s focus on raising awareness of nursing … Read More

Report: Medicare Advantage’s New Supplemental Benefit: Plan Views and Responses

Date: November 2018 There is a general lack of financial resources, beyond the Medicaid program, to help individuals with complex care needs afford non-medical services and supports to remain independent in their homes and communities and avoid expensive hospital admissions and/or institutionalization.  A promising start to covering this type of care through Medicare was recently enacted in the Bipartisan Budget … Read More

Announcement: LTQA Endorses New National Guidelines Calling for Improved Access to Vital Palliative Care

Release Date: October 2018 Many people living with a serious illness who are receiving treatment for their condition, whether heart failure, lung disease, cancer or another illness, don’t have access to palliative care, which can make all the difference in how they feel physically, emotionally and spiritually. New palliative care guidelines set out to improve access to this care, which … Read More

eLTSS Forum – June 2018

Connecting LTSS and Health Care Information: The State of Data Interoperability Efforts and Where We Go From Here   On June 27th, LTQA hosted a Forum discussing recent advances in data interoperability between medical, behavioral health, and social service sectors providing services and supports for individuals with complex care needs.  The Forum covered interoperability frameworks, data platform implementation, and emerging opportunities … Read More

June 27, 2018 Forum: “Connecting LTSS and Health Care Information”

Forum Connecting LTSS and Health Care Information: The State of Data Interoperability Efforts and Where We Go From Here   AcademyHealth 1666 K Street NW – Suite 1100   Wednesday, June 27, 2018 9 AM to Noon   A critical component of integrated care is the capacity to communicate and share information among otherwise unconnected medical, behavioral health, and social … Read More