Roughly 12 million Americans are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (e.g., dual eligibles). Dual-eligible individuals with long-term service and support (LTSS) needs often receive fragmented care, resulting in inefficiencies, unnecessary costs, and poorer outcomes. Many policymakers, health care providers, insurance executives, and consumer advocates argue that better integrating medical care with long-term supports and services (LTSS) can both save money and improve the well-being of frail elders and younger people with disabilities.
However, there has been limited empirical data to support integrated care. In a multi-year, multi-part project, LTQA sought to develop the “business case” that demonstrates the value of integrating long-term services and supports (LTSS) and medical care.
- Taxonomy of LTSS Integration
- “Exemplar” Case Studies
- Key Components for Successful LTSS Integration
- Report: Medical Utilization in Integrated Plans
- Report: SCO Integration and Medical Utilization
- July 2016: LTQA Roundtable on Integrating LTSS
- September 2016: What Matters Most in LTSS Integration: Lessons from 5 New Case Studies
- November 2016: GSA Annual Scientific Meeting
- March 2017: ASA: Meeting the Needs of Older Adults with LTSS Integration
- August 2017: HCBS Conference 2017
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