Webinar: Approaches to Addressing Grief and Bereavement in the LTC Workforce

Event Date: August 6, 2024 11-12 AM ET


  • Toni Miles, Visiting Scholar, Rosalyn Carter Institute
  • Bethany Houpt, Long-Term Services and Supports Project Manager, Delivery System Transformation, Altarum 

Unsupported grief and bereavement in the long-term care workforce, particularly in nursing homes, can significantly impact the provision of quality care, increase costs, and affect resident quality of life. The emotional toll on staff often leads to higher turnover rates, lower job satisfaction, and decreased productivity, all of which can compromise patient care and strain healthcare systems. Addressing these challenges is crucial for improving both staff well-being and patient outcomes. 
This webinar addresses the importance of addressing grief and bereavement in the long-term care workforce, and low burden, high impact ideas that can be used to establish a culture of retention and improve quality of care.