Announcement: Strategic Framework for the National Plan on Aging 2024 Released

We are thrilled to see that LTQA research and recommendations have been included in the Strategic Framework for the National Plan on Aging 2024. We are honored to have contributed to this vital effort by leading the 30 stakeholder interviews as part of the community engagement initiative.

The Older Americans Act Reauthorization of 2020 created an Interagency Coordinating Committee (ICC) on Healthy Aging and Age-Friendly Communities, which is now in operation. The ICC is focused on the coordination of federal agencies with respect to aging issues and the development of a national set of recommendations that may result in a National Framework on Aging. The John A. Hartford Foundation, The SCAN Foundation, and the West Health Institute commissioned LTQA to conduct over 30 interviews of key stakeholders to:

  1. Inform the ICC in the development of a potential national strategic framework for aging, by, among other efforts, building upon the growing number of state Multisector Plans for Aging (MPAs); and
  2. Develop for consideration a framework which could inform the next White House Conference on Aging and ongoing federal agency efforts to support healthy aging and age friendly communities.

Our recommendations are highlighted on page 10 of the framework. We are proud to see our work and suggestions integrated into the national strategy, ensuring a brighter future for older adults and their families.